Ways to Change Negative Thinking

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1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others. 2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others. 3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise. 4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained. 5. Always remember that whileContinue reading “NEVER EVER FORGET THESE LESSONS OF LIFE”


A careless Talker talks carelessly. With a foul mouth  vomits untrue and   unverified words. A careless Talker talks unrestrained with sharp tongue devours the simple with bitter and falsehood. A careless Talker breaks the bones of an innocent in the land with cruel speech and  wicked tongue. A careless Talker causes strive and division. UnbridledContinue reading “A CARELESS TALKER”


Leon McKenzie wrote, “We come into the world with question marks in our heads… which are never fully erased.” We are not alone. Sarah doubted she could have children in her old age. Moses doubted he could save Israel out of Egypt’s bondage and Thomas doubted Jesus’ resurrection. Gideon also doubted God’s call on HisContinue reading “StopDoubting,BeDirectedByTheHolyGhost”

Biblical Counseling Insights

Locate Yourself Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. AUDIO TRANSCRIPT [mediaprintpage] I want to start off talking about you. Lots of folks have come to me talking about their children. What do we do about our children? And the first thing I realize that this man and hisContinue reading Biblical Counseling Insights

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